Songbook Song titleAuthorAlbum Bad Ship Bloodscupper, theDylan Blackthorn Bloodthirsty!Dylan BlackthornS.L. GomperTHAT Damned Band "Self-Titled" DerelictDylan BlackthornRobert Louis StevensonSkip HendersonYoung E. AllisonSkip Henderson & the Starboard Watch "Billy Bones" Drunken Pyrate’s HymnDead BenDylan BlackthornInfamous Dangerous SociopathProfessor PlagueSpudliminal YahootiTHAT Damned Band "Self-Titled" Festival of the Snake PitDylan BlackthornTHAT Damned Band "Self-Titled" Gob Geebogah Gleeb Glah Globo Glab-ahDylan Blackthorn Gobbelin ChildeDylan Blackthorn Hail, Hail, the Gobbelin KingDylan Blackthorn Hook, Line, & Sinker (aka Satan is a Patient Fisherman)Countess JugulaDylan BlackthornInfamous Dangerous SociopathTHAT Damned Band "Self-Titled" Rapier and the WaveDylan BlackthornProfessor PlagueThee Hobo Gobbelins "Oddities and Entities" Sensual Pole Dance ov the Desert LizardmanDylan BlackthornTHAT Damned Band "Mutantstrosities" Trainwrekk’tDylan BlackthornTHAT Damned Band "Mutantstrosities" Whiskey & Beer (For the Love Of) with chartChainsDylan BlackthornTHAT Damned Band "Self-Titled"Thee Hobo Gobbelins "Vermin EP"