
Song titleAuthorAlbum   
Bad Ship Bloodscupper, the    
Festival of the Snake Pit   
Gob Geebogah Gleeb Glah Globo Glab-ah    
Gobbelin Childe    
Gone Where the Gobbelins Go   
Hail, Hail, the Gobbelin King    
Hook, Line, & Sinker (aka Satan is a Patient Fisherman)   
Inverted Rainbow   
Sensual Pole Dance ov the Desert Lizardman   
Siren’s Song   
Your Unicorn Friend   
z Lyrics only A Rose, A Door   
z Lyrics only Cobbled Together   
z Lyrics only Goblin Potion   
z Lyrics only Razorback Snaggleclaw   
z Lyrics only Switches   
z Lyrics only Tendrils & Tentacles   
z Lyrics only Thee Wilde Hunt